November Appraiser of the Month: Amy Thai

About Amy:

I have been a residential real estate appraiser in Hawaii since 2009. When I developed carpal tunnel syndrome from working as a dental hygienist, I was advised to look for an alternative career. I have always been interested in real estate and entering the real estate appraisal profession was the best decision.

Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why?

My family is my strongest inspiration in life. I dedicate my success to their love and encouragement.

When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your time?

There are many activities to do on the island. When I have time, I like to go snorkeling and paddle boarding.

What characteristic do you most admire in others?

I admire people with a positive outlook. It’s important to see the silver lining behind the cloud.

Where is your favorite spot in the world?

I have been to different places; however, my home is my favorite spot in the world.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?

If I had any superpower, I would like to have the power to deter wars. It took years for our country to rebuild the economy after World War II. Another world war would be devastating to our nation and to the world.


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