December Appraiser of the Month: Ryan Lichtenfels

About Ryan:

I was asked by a neighbor right after graduating college what I planned to do with myself. As one might expect, I had no clue. I was a waiter at a country club in Tampa, Florida, and had no real direction. My neighbor asked if I wanted to ride along while he went out for his appraisal inspections. I took him up on that offer and was immediately hooked. That was in 1998, and I’ve been appraising ever since. I enjoy the freedom owning my own business gives me, and the challenges of our industry keep me on my toes. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

What is your favorite flavor Starburst?

My favorite flavor Starburst is strawberry.

What characteristics do you admire in others?

Characteristics I admire the most are honesty, humility, optimism, and reliability.

If you could have lunch with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

If I could have lunch with anyone alive or dead, it would be Babe Ruth. I played baseball at the University of Tampa, where he hit his longest home run – 587 feet.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?

The superpower I would want the most is the power to heal (not sure if that’s a power). I would never have to watch a loved one suffer in pain again.

Where is your favorite spot in the world?

My favorite spot in the world is Key West, Florida. I’m from Florida, but Key West has it all: swimming, fishing, night life, and a small town feel.


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