Action Appraisers, Inc.

My wife Barbara and I have had our Real Estate Appraisal Company, Action Appraisers, Inc since 2005 where we have appraised well over 9,000 residential appraisals. In November 2016 we replaced one of our largest Appraisal Management Companies with Class, which turned out to be a true blessing. Since then we have forged a solid relationship with Class, having completed just under 1,000 assignments. From the beginning they were uniquely different than every other AMC we had worked with. Each and every employee we have worked with is professional, knowledgeable, and pleasant to deal with. They have always had an open door policy encouraging us to call with any questions or concerns. They have always been very helpful. Their reviewers are outstanding, and we have learned so much from them. Their name truly says it all, “CLASS”. Hands down they are our #1 AMC we work with.


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