Streamlining Appraisal for Enhanced Efficiency

In the dynamic world of real estate appraisal, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. DataMaster, a product of Class Valuation, is your comprehensive solution to streamline the appraisal process, saving you valuable time and resources.

Key Features and Benefits

Effortless Data Import

Say goodbye to manual data entry. DataMaster seamlessly imports MLS and public record data directly into your appraisal software, minimizing errors and maximizing productivity.

Precise Market Analysis

Navigate complex Fannie Mae guidelines with ease. DataMaster's intuitive process ensures compliance and generates accurate market analyses in seconds.

Customizable Reports and Graphs

Tailor your reports to perfection. DataMaster offers a variety of customizable graphs and charts, empowering you to present your findings professionally and convincingly.

Error Reduction

Eliminate typos and minimize mistakes with DataMaster's user-friendly interface and automated calculations.

Time Savings and Profitability

Experience increased productivity and profitability. DataMaster's efficiency translates to time savings, allowing you to take on more assignments and boost your income.

Complete Control

Maintain full control over your reports. DataMaster empowers you to make informed decisions and utilize the data that best suits your needs.


Effortlessly save, share, and reuse comparable property data with your trusted peers, ensuring consistency and strengthening your workfile.

Smart Field Technology

Automate report generation with customizable smart tags that seamlessly integrate property data into your narratives.

DataMaster Standard Addendum

Create comprehensive comparable summaries, enhancing your workfile and streamlining collaboration.

Plat Maps

Access plat maps directly within DataMaster, eliminating the need for separate subscriptions.

DataMaster Express and Pro

Choose the plan that best suits your needs, whether you're a solo appraiser or part of a larger team.

Ready to revolutionize your appraisal workflow?

Visit the DataMaster website today to explore the full range of features and benefits and start your free trial!